PATHFINDER Ruck Training is one of the longest running GORUCK training programs around. Lyell Petersen (who runs PATHFINDER) is heavily involved in each class which is one of the reasons they are so successful. In addition, he has a slew of Course Advisers (CA) that work with him to keep everything running smoothly. As of […]
GORUCK Cadre Roony WOD
This workout was created when Cadre Roony was diagnosed with Stage IV pancreatic cancer. GORUCK worked with him to put this WOD together so that you can complete this virtual WOD in support of Cadre Roony. Cadre Roony passed away on April 3rd, 2019 after his battle with pancreatic cancer. More info can be found […]
GORUCK Selection 020 Finisher Doug’s Modified MARSOC Short Card
After we interviewed Doug (the only finisher of GORUCK Selection 020) we have received a ton of requests for the modified MARSOC Short Card workout that he did during training. We reached out to him and he was gracious enough to provide it to us! Here is the modified MARSOC Short Card workout that Doug […]
Ruckoff / Ruckon Ladder Drill Ruck Workout
Here’s a really fun ladder drill workout you can do with your ruck. I call it the Ruckoff / Ruckon because you use the ruck (but don’t wear it) in Part 1 then wear the ruck in Part 2. You can always change the length of time in Part 1 to vary difficulty by turning […]
Rogue Dynamics Veterans Day WOD 15
WOD Name: Rogue Dynamics Veterans Day WOD 15 WOD:11 Rounds for Time 11 Burpees 11 (4 count) Flutter kicks 11 Push ups 11 Full body sit ups 1 Mile Run Price: $40 ($10 to Fisher House) Sign-Up Link: Rogue Dynamics Website Reward: Rogue Dynamics Challenge Coin The Rogue Dynamics Veterans Day WOD 15 will be […]
GORUCK Training Blog Archive
For the past 300 some days GORUCK has been running a daily workout blog with tons of PT to prepare you for GORUCK events. After doing a poll they have decided to halt the daily workout section and focus on other areas of the Training blog. According to the final daily workout on the Training […]