The Robbie Miller WOD is replacing the push-ups and sit-up test at GORUCK Heavy events. Cadre Dan broke the news to us about this change in All Day Ruckoff Podcast 088. This was made in addition to some other GORUCK Heavy changes. One thing he specifically mentioned was that it is up to the cadre’s […]
Ruck Workouts
You've got the ruck and now you want to workout with it. Here are some absolutely solid workouts that will show you just what you (and your ruck) are capable of. If you want something of the more *random* variety check out our Crush Your Soul Workout Generator for even more fun!
Everything Increases AMRAP Workout
This is a fun workout where the number of reps in set increases based on how many times you’ve made it through. Feel free to change up the exercises and time to fit your needs. The exercises selected should give you a well rounded workout. Equipment To complete this workout you’ll need the following equipment: […]
Back to Basics AMRAP Ruck Workout
I love workouts that incorporate basic movements. When I don’t need to search on YouTube for an explanation for the workout I get excited. Don’t get me wrong the “SALTT w/ Ruck” is a solid exercise… I just need to check YouTube for a how-to every time it comes up. That is one of the […]
GORUCK Cadre Roony WOD
This workout was created when Cadre Roony was diagnosed with Stage IV pancreatic cancer. GORUCK worked with him to put this WOD together so that you can complete this virtual WOD in support of Cadre Roony. Cadre Roony passed away on April 3rd, 2019 after his battle with pancreatic cancer. More info can be found […]
GORUCK Selection 020 Finisher Doug’s Modified MARSOC Short Card
After we interviewed Doug (the only finisher of GORUCK Selection 020) we have received a ton of requests for the modified MARSOC Short Card workout that he did during training. We reached out to him and he was gracious enough to provide it to us! Here is the modified MARSOC Short Card workout that Doug […]
Ruckoff / Ruckon Ladder Drill Ruck Workout
Here’s a really fun ladder drill workout you can do with your ruck. I call it the Ruckoff / Ruckon because you use the ruck (but don’t wear it) in Part 1 then wear the ruck in Part 2. You can always change the length of time in Part 1 to vary difficulty by turning […]