Do you use our gear at events? Have you shared links to the site? Showed pages to your friend only to see them with ADR gear at the next event? We appreciate everyone… especially if they appreciate us.
We’re always looking for ways to rewards people. Always. We brought the rewards program in to show our appreciation for people who spent time on the site, wrote reviews, left comments, and made purchases. Now we’re introducing an affiliate program so that you can earn some cash by sharing links to our site.
What is an Affiliate Program?
An affiliate program is a way for you to earn a commission (5% for most products) when you refer people to our site and they make a purchase. Once approved you will gain access to a dashboard that will provide you with performance statistics and a URL generator so that you can start making affiliate links to the All Day Ruckoff website.
Have any questions? Feel free to send and email our way and we’ll do our best to provide an answer.
Affiliate Rules
- Anyone is welcome to apply for the Affiliate Program but not all will be accepted.
- Commission is variable but ranges from 1% (for products we sell on commission) to 8% (for products we make.)
- Cookies from URLs last for 7 days.
- You must have an All Day Ruckoff account to become an affiliate.
- Affiliates are not employees of All Day Ruckoff. They do not work for All Day Ruckoff. Affiliates are considered independent contractors and are subject to a 1099-MISC form if they make over $600 in a calendar year. Affiliates can call themselves partners of All Day Ruckoff.
- Payout generally occurs during the first week of the month for earning made in the previous month.
- Affiliate sales are subject to reversal based on failed payment, product returns, or anything else that voids the sale.
- By signing up you agree to these rules.
Request Membership
Fill out the form below and we will make sure to review it as soon as possible. All that we ask is that you do not get upset if you are not approved. We will always let you know why your application was denied and what you can do to be approved.
Already Signed Up?
If you are already signed up you can access your account on the Affiliate Area page.