The GORUCK Constellation event is one of the least physically demanding events that GORUCK puts on. This does not mean that it is an easy event… it just means there is less PT than your typical GORUCK Challenge event. The majority of people reading this page are ready for the event and hopefully this will solidify that in their mind. For those who aren’t physically ready hopefully you can use our training guide and get yourself ready.
GORUCK Constellation Training Guide
We call this a “training guide” because that’s exactly what it is… a guide. It is not a plan and it does not tell you exactly what to do. Life is chaotic so we prefer guides over plans… plus, they stress us out less if we miss a day. If you can get through the guide then you are more than ready for a GORUCK Constellation event.
All Day Ruckoff Training Equipment
You will need the following equipment to make this plan work.
- Ruck: Doesn’t matter if it’s a GR1, Rucker, Rush 12, TT ROP, whatever. Although we prefer the Rucker we know this is training… bring something solid to an event but don’t put off training because you don’t have your perfect ruck yet.
- Weight: You will need weight for your pack. We use Ruck Plates but there’s also bricks, dumbbells, weight plates, rocks, etc. Use roughly 10 pounds in your pack during training.
- Running Shoes: AKA shoes for running because toughen up buttercup we run.
- Recovery Plan: We use (and pay for) ROMWOD but if you’re cheap or don’t want to pay money then go on the YouTubes and find a yoga or stretching plan. When we Yoga we watch Leslie Fightmaster videos which are free. Or don’t… it’s your body. We just know we feel better and recover much quicker from events when we have a recovery plan in place.
All Day Ruckoff Weekly Regiment
If you follow this weekly regiment then you should have no issue completing your GORUCK Constellation event.
- 1 x Jogging: 20 – 30 minute runs at a moderate pace. You should expect the mileage (not time because you’re running quicker) to increase as you become a better runner. Walk when you need to…
just make sure you get the time in. - 1 x Running: 5 minute jog followed by between 2 and 6 100 meter sprints. Rest between 45 and 90 seconds (stay consistent, choose a time and stick with it for the workout) between each sprint. Finish it up with a 5 minute walk.
- 1-2 x Ruck Workouts: We use the Crush Your Soul Workout Generator and choose the following settings: Time, <15 Minutes; Equipment, Ruck; Movements, No.
- 1 x Ruck: 15 – 45 minutes and scale weight & time as necessary.
- 1-6 x ROMWOD: We complete ROMWOD stretching routines six times a week and generally take the rest day off.
- 2 x Rest Day: Take rest days as you need them.
Do the above weekly then follow the plans below for the week leading into the event.
- Monday: Ruck workout. ROMWOD.
- Tuesday: 20 – 30 minute jog. ROMWOD.
- Wednesday: Ruck workout. ROMWOD.
- Thursday: ROMWOD.
- Friday: ROMWOD/Event.
- Saturday: Beer, burgers, food, victory!
- Sunday: ROMWOD.
That’s it. Nothing fancy, nothing special, nothing innovative. Just some hard work and dedication and it has worked so far with great results.
Price: Free
Hopefully When you read the above plan you realize that the GORUCK Constellation is not a scary event and is something you’re ready for!
What’s Next?
Check out the following pages for more information about the GORUCK Constellation event:
GORUCK Constellation Packing List
“Pack the essentials… nothing more, nothing less”
GORUCK Constellation Food & Nutrition
“Eat your rucking heart out”
GORUCK Constellation AARs & Event Reports
“Learn About Your Event”
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