The GORUCK DIY Quarantine Star Course is a Star Course event that you can do on your own time. GORUCK has uploaded hit lists for over 150 cities to their website for you to download and use to complete the event. If there isn’t one for your city then you can easily put one together […]
GORUCK Star Course
GORUCK Free Star Course Hit Lists
I’m not sure how things are going over there but over the past few weeks life has definitely changed around here. Schools are closed, bars are closed, stores are closed, parks are closed… everything seems closed. Group gatherings have been banned so it’s not as if we can even get together to struggle through these […]
ADR 142: PATHFINDER Horizon with Amy Petersen
Amy Petersen of PATHFINDER Ruck Training joins to talk about their Horizon training program. PATHFINDER Horizon is designed to prepare participants for GORUCK Star Course and similar long ruck events. In this episode we get into how Amy got involved in rucking, her first event, PATHFINDER, and the Horizon program. Listen close towards the end […]
GORUCK 5k/10k/15k Star Course Sprint Series Events Released
We knew that GORUCK was going to be going big on the Star Course series this year but who would have thought it would be this big. Over 300 total events were added to the calendar making (for 2020) the Star Course bigger than the traditional Light/Tough/Heavy events. What Makes These Events Special? I think […]
ADR 074: GORUCK Star Course x 2 with Emily
Emily completed not one but two GORUCK Star Course events in 2018. She joins us on the All Day Ruckoff podcast to talk about her experiences at those events, why she signed up for more than one, and what she’s doing for 2019. If you’re considering signing up for a GORUCK Star Course event (PS: […]
GORUCK Star Course 2019 Dates Released (50/26.2/12 Mile Distances)
GORUCK has just released the dates for a number of 2019 Star Course events. One of the biggest changes this year is that they’ve added two additional distances to each location. For 2019 instead of a single 50 mile event every location will have 26.2 and 12 mile rucks as well! It’s really cool to […]