The ‘Iwo Jima’ WOD was the featured workout for GORUCK Tribe in February, 2021.
The ‘Iwo Jima’ Workout
- 2 Rounds
- 19 Sandbag Cleans
- 300m Ruck
- 45 Burpee Step Ups
- 300m Ruck
Ruck Weight: 20# / 30# (or whatever you’re comfortable with)
Sandbag Weight: 40# / 60# (or whatever you’re comfortable with)
Here is the significance of the workout according to the February Tribe email from GORUCK:
2 Rounds = 2 strategic objectives on Iwo Jima
19 Cleans = February 19th was first day Distance is equal to the total runway distance of South Field
45 Burpee Step Ups = the year (1945) and “I’m stepping up, he sees me, I’m down”
Everything should be done with the ruck on… the sandbag cleans, the burpee step ups, and especially the 300 meter rucks. In total you’ll be completing 38 sandbag cleans, 90 burpee step ups, and 1200 meters of rucking. In addition, Cadre DS (from GORUCK) recommends that you carry the sandbag on the 300 meter ruck. It’s not prescribed in the workout but you might as well… you don’t want someone to steal the sandbag while you’re out rucking!
If you end up completing this workout please come back and let me know your ruck weight, sandbag weight, and time in the comments!
rbogar says
1st rd 18.34.01
2nd rd 20.07.75
Stephen says
With my burpee step ups even with a goruck and weight secured it place my ruck kept sliding and was hitting me in the back of my head during the burpee. Is there any way to avoid that? Or is it just part of seeking pain?
macattk says
30# RPC / 60# SB
Round 1: 17m 18s
Round 2: 19m 36s
I was sucking wind hard during the second round of burpee step ups.
Brian ADR says
Same here! That second round of burpee step ups was brutal…
[email protected] says
probably should have read the description & listened to Cadre DS. I used an 80# SB and couldn’t clean it w my ruck on. So no ruck for the cleans, but ruck for burpee step ups & SB w 35# ruck for the 300m shuffle.
Brian ADR says
That probably evens out with the extra weight on the rucks and less on the cleans. Awesome job!