GORUCK’s Cyber Monday event sale for 2020 is here. The GORUCK Tough and Light Challenges, as well as Star Course events, are 30% off with the code CYBER30. All Tactical events are 15% off with TACTICAL15. This sale is roughly on par with some of the previous Cyber Monday sales. If you’re looking for some […]
GORUCK Cyber Monday Sale
GORUCK Cyber Monday 2019 Events Sale
GORUCK’s Cyber Monday sale is here! This year the discount is 30% off all GORUCK events when you use the code CYBER30. Although not as large of a discount as previous years I’m glad they still brought the sale back. 30% is a solid discount and I’ll absolutely take any savings over no savings any […]
GORUCK Cyber Monday 2018 Sale
GORUCK blew us away last week when they released seven new Rucker and nine new Bullet 10L colors. They had some great discounts for Black Friday on everything except for events. The last two years they have saved their event discounts for Cyber Monday and thank goodness that was no different this year! Between sometime […]
GORUCK Cyber Monday & Giving Tuesday 2017 Sales
GORUCK hit us hard this year with their Veteran’s Day Sale which they followed up with their week of Black Friday sales. It seems like they’re fully committed to taking all of our money this month because for Cyber Monday they’re giving 50% off their events excluding Firearms Days. That’s right… 50% off most of […]