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In episode 043 we are joined by Bryan Singelyn who the founder of Cleveland Area Rucking Crew (CARC). We talk about his first few events, how Cleveland Area Rucking Crew was founded, and what they do to keep things interesting for members.
Bryan provides some awesome insight (as well as great stories) on ways to keep members engaged. If you run a ruck club, or just want to hear some great stories, then this episode is absolutely for you!
- GORUCK Terms & Glossary
- All Day Ruckoff YouTube Channel
- ADR 026: Battle of Lake Erie War of 1812
- Cleveland Area Rucking Crew
- GORUCK Custom Events
- GORUCK Ruck Clubs
- CARC Facebook
- CARC Instagram
- CARC Twitter
- Heavy Drop Training Plan
- Cadre Shredder’s Schedule
- GORUCK Tough 4th of July AAR
- ADR 036: Kit Klein Ruck Club Updates for 2018
What’s Next
Thanks so much for listening! If you missed any of our earlier episodes you can give them a listen right now. Hopefully you enjoyed the podcast and are excited about the next one. This is very new to us so we would appreciate it if you would cut us some slack as we work on perfecting our methodologies. Did you enjoy the podcast? We’d love a review on iTunes or even our Facebook Page! Didn’t enjoy it? Leave a comment here in the show notes and let us know what we can do better!
Thank you so much for all of the support! Subscribe through iTunes, Android, Google Music, Stitcher, or TuneIn and never miss another episode!
This was my 1st ever Podcast to listen to and I was not disappointed. Looking forward to many more Bad Ass n Too Sweet ADR Podcasts. Nice work Brian (and Bryan).
Thank you!!!