I previously reviewed the Rocky S2V waterproof boots which received less-than-stellar markings. The quality was there but the website was misleading in terms of how well they would drain water. Since that review I had discovered the Merrel Moab Ventilator boots and hadn’t looked back. After using those boots in 10+ events (and hundreds of training miles) I had to retire them to the trash can. They stunk to the point where they couldn’t even live in the garage and it was, sadly, their time to move on.
The first thing I did after throwing them away was drive to REI to pick up a new pair as I needed something to continue my PATHFINDER training. REI was out of all size 14 boots so I drove home defeated. It wasn’t until later when I remembered that tucked away in the closet was a pair of size 13 Rocky S2V boots ready to be broken in. I had purchased these around the same time as the Merrels but never gave them the opportunity that they deserved.
These boots are from late 2013 but they’re unused so what better time to test them out than now. My next true GORUCK event isn’t until later this year so I’ll have plenty of time to break them in see what they’re made of. Hopefully sometime after that event I’ll be able to put a full review together but until then you can look at these pictures and know that I’m training with these boots exclusively.
I decided to purchase these shoes after completing a GORUCK Heavy with Rocky in Seattle. He wore the S2V during the event and said that they were pretty much all he used. Sometimes I wonder if the C4T would have been a better option as they’re both cheaper and lighter but I already own these so there’s no going back now.
If you’d like to purchase the Rocky S2V boots (or see reviews/cost) you can check out on Amazon in Desert Tan, Sage Green, and Coyote. They’re not cheap but hopefully they’re worth it.
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What do you think of the S2V regulars? I wear them in uniform and while rucking. Superior Performance in my opinion. I’m Air Force so I have the sage green pair, they stain real shitty. Did you get the chance to put some miles on them? Currently training for HTL Memorial Day San Francisco, I plan on using my S2Vs for the Heavy, Moab Vents for the tough, and some brooks launch 2s for the light. Idk why I’m telling you this. Anyways let me know what you think!