It sucks that GORUCK has to bring these back but I’m so glad they are. For those who aren’t aware Cadre Roony passed away early April, 2019 after his battle with pancreatic cancer.

In September, 2018 Cadre Roony was diagnosed with Stage IV pancreatic cancer and GORUCK ran their first fundraiser for him. This brought the Cadre Roony WOD and the patch that you would earn for completing it.

100% of the proceeds from this fundraiser (sale of the patch and tee) will go towards supporting Cadre Roony’s family and two sons.

The back of the shirt (for this version) features the RLTW text: Rangers Lead The Way.

If you’re curious about the meaning behind the Cadre Roony design GORUCK has given us this:
The colors blue, white, red, khaki, orange and green represent the original six combat teams of the 5307th Composite Unit (Provisional), commonly referred to as Merrill’s Marauders, which were identified by color. The unit’s close cooperation with the Chinese forces in the China-Burma-India Theater is represented by the sun symbol from the Chinese flag. The white star represents the Star of Burma, the country in which the Marauders campaigned during World War II. The lightning bolt is symbolic of the strike characteristics of the Marauders’ behind-the-line activities. The Ranger Scroll is worn on the left shoulder of every Ranger in the Regiment. The Ranger tab is worn by every Ranger leader that has completed Ranger School.

Last time I bought one patch and two shirts to support Cadre Roony. I imagine I’ll be buying two shirts again this time. You have until May 8th, 2019 to get your order in so don’t waste time. Grab a patch and a shirt today then get out there and do the Roony WOD.
Very, very sorry to hear of Cadre Roony’s passing. I had the honor of having him as cadre for three events, and I will cherish them. In one of my events with him, he was admiring the Jerusalem Crusader Cross patch I wore on my jacket sleeve during the event. At the end of the event, after he patched me, I patched him back by giving him the Jerusalem Cross one. He was surprised but seemed humbled. I will never forget him.
I got the Roody patch and T-shirt the first time around (grey shirt), but I am very glad the GRHQ is offering these for anyone who missed it previously.
Godspeed, Cadre Roony. #RLTW
Agreed, got mine the first time too but am so glad they’re back. Thanks for sharing the Roony story… He will definitely be missed in the community. He’s a humble guy too I bet he was shocked when you patched him back! I gave him a cadre swag bag after an event and he was definitely shocked there. Will absolutely miss him.