During the 2018 Christmas in July sale I purchased a Woodland Camo GR1 for an amazing price. I was looking to get a GR1 that I could use as a beater and possibly use during the Star Course. Once it showed up I promptly picked up a Shaddox Tactical insert for it and took it on a number of rucks.
After maybe 12 miles or so I started to notice some wear on the connection between the shoulder strap and the bag. I was a little concerned so I took a picture so I could see if it continued to deteriorate or not.
A few more rucks with the pack later…
… and the issue seemed to definitely have gotten worse.
On Saturday, July 21st, 2018 I filled out the GORUCK SCARS submission form and attached the picture of the shoulder strap.
On Monday, July 23rd, 2018 I had an email back from SCARS which included a pre-paid shipping label to send the GR1 via FedEx to them in Jacksonville, Florida. The label was good for four weeks which was great because I wanted to take the GR1 camping with me.
After taking nearly a week off I got back from camping and continued hitting the GORUCK Star Course training hard. At this point I had switched to my Rucker 2.0 but I hadn’t found time yet to ship the GR1 back to SCARS.
On Friday, August 10th, 2018 I finally dropped the GR1 off at FedEx and it began its trip to GORUCK SCARS.
It showed up exactly one week later (Friday, August 17th, 2018) at GORUCK SCARS.
I received an email that day from Joe at GORUCK SCARS saying they had received my GR1. I had loaded it up with ADR SWAG before sending it off as a thank you to the team over there which Joe said they appreciated :)
On Monday, August 20th, 2018 Joe sent an email to me stating that the repair had been completed and that they were sending the pack back to me.
On Sunday, August 26th, 2018 I got back from a weekend away and was greeted by a GORUCK SCARS box sitting at my front door. Here’s a quick timeline of the events for the service from SCARS.
Date | What Happened |
7/21/2018 (Saturday) | Submit SCARS Form. |
7/23/2018 (Monday) | Receive email & pre-paid label from SCARS. |
8/10/2018 (Friday) | Find time to put GR1 in the mail. |
8/17/2018 (Friday) | GR1 arrives at SCARS. Receive email confirmation that they have the ruck. |
8/20/2018 (Monday) | Receive email stating repair has been made and ruck is on its way back to me. |
8/26/2018 (Sunday) | Get home after being gone from Friday – Sunday to a GORUCK SCARS box containing my GR1. |

It only took 16 days from when I mailed the ruck to when I received it back… which is absolutely amazing service considering we’re at opposite ends of the country. In addition, SCARS threw in some pretty awesome SWAG that I definitely appreciate.
GORUCK had my ruck for approximately one business day in which they were able to completely repair it, pack it up, and send it back. I’ve submitted warranty claims through other companies and with them you usually get a brand new product.
It’s refreshing to get your same ruck back with a nice repair because that’s your ruck… one you have made memories with and is probably somewhat special to you.
I’m excited to continue to use this GR1 and this GORUCK SCARS experience was just another reminder that GORUCK is doing things right in the warranty space. This is my fourth interaction with GORUCK SCARS and they continue to provide a level of service that I’m beyond thrilled with.
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