We’ve got a number of different types items for sale in the shop. Here’s an easy way to browse based on the type of item.
Apparel is that stuff you wear… you know the clothes and stuff.
We don’t all love the sun in our eyes… some of us like to see in the summer. I hear hats are great for that… get yours here.
Well you’ve gotta wear a shirt so why not wear one that reminds you to be a better person? Attitude is everything… keep yours positive.
From ruck handles to web dominators we have the small gear to assist you in your next challenge. Please note that new gear is not a substitute to proper training.
Sometimes thoughts are there and gone so quick you can’t even remember what they were about. Wouldn’t it be nice if you had somewhere to write those ideas down?
Morale patches are those awesome pieces of fabric and Velcro that you attach to your gear. It not only gives your gear some personality but allows you to quickly tell your gear apart from your buddy’s.