The idea for this item came from Kevin Maestri and the actual product is sewn by Todd Forkner. Both Todd and Kevin have other gear for sale in the ADR shop so if you’re interested in supporting them then that is a great way to do that.
The LFUP (Loop – Front Upper Patch) is an attachment point sewn into a 3″ by 2″ Velcro area. The LFUP attaches to the top patch area of any GORUCK pack and gives you another area to hang stuff off your ruck. Now you’ve got to be careful with this so that you don’t end up with a gypsy camp but if utilized properly this thing is awesome.
I used one of these at GORUCK Challenge 1056 and it was definitely handy. At night I wore as hat but when daylight reared its head things started getting hot. I used this attachment point to hang my hat and had no issues with it coming loose or detaching. It was nice having the hat ready when I needed it without having to keep it in my pack… which was very full of bricks.
The LFUP has a loop Velcro area on it so that you can still attach a patch to your ruck. Because of this there’s almost no reason not to have one on your pack… there’s no disadvantage that I could think of. That’s the logic I went into class 1056 with and it worked out well. There were no issues what-so-ever with it and I plan to use it in future events.
If you’re interested in one of these they’re currently available in the ADR shop in both black and coyote.
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