The Tiger Head patch is very aggressive in nature. I mean not only is it a Tiger Head but look at it! That thing would bite you and not give a shit.
I bought this patch back when I was fighting Muay Thai. Most Thai shorts generally come with some printed design or animal on them and for some reason or another the majority of the ones I had featured a tiger. I was placing an order to Mil Spec Monkey when I stumbled upon this patch and figured why not? Now whenever I look at it I think of my old fight team and everything I went through with them.
It’s a great reminder to me that I can overcome anything as long as I set my mind to it. It also reminds me of the fight test I had to take to get on our fight team. The punch line of that story is I made the team but had a terrible bloody nose that would not stop for about 7 hours afterwards…
How can I buy Tiger Head?