Light does not equal easy… no truer words were ever spoken. If you haven’t read my AAR of GORUCK Light 067 I highly suggest that you do. You’ll see that GORUCK Light isn’t as “light” as you may expect. In fact, the event should probably be called “GORUCK Challenge Minus 4 or 5 Hours” as it can be about as hard as a GRC but just a few hours shorter. The difficult level is heavily dependent on what Cadre you get but you always want to expect the worst so assume it’s going to be hell.
With that being said GORUCK Light is probably one of the best bang-for-the-buck events that GORUCK offers with its cheaper registration fee and huge amount of Good Livin’. Sign up for one and expect to have a blast… but don’t expect to have an easy time.
This patch was purchased through the GORUCK Skymall. Just finish a GORUCK event and find the Facebook group to order one for yourself.
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