This patch came from the first and ONLY time that GORUCK and Spartan Race worked together. It was back in December of 2011… which was four months after I had completed my first challenge. Spartan Race just started holding a Hurricane Heat the day before races which was a chance to run part of the event (as a team) with some of the people who put the event on. The Hurricane Heat originally started because Hurricane Irene forced Spartan Race to shut down one of their events. Some people thought that was bull shit and ran the course anyways with the volunteers and the founder of Spartan Race. That was August of 2011.
Fast forward 4 months and we’re in Glen Rose Texas around 5 pm or 6 pm (day before the Spartan Super) waiting for the show to get on the road. We end up with a GPS, some bricks, and a destination that we had to reach in a half-hour or so. Our GPS was not in any way calibrated and even though we checked it numerous times we eventually got lost about three miles off course in a horse pasture. I should note that I was with GORUCK heavy hitters so at least the company was good. Horses were running past us left and right and we figured we should get the hell out of there. We hopped a fence and ended in a bull pasture. Shit. We cut back to the road as quickly as we could and eventually got back to where the race was supposed to be happening. I think we finally got to our destination around 9 pm… a solid two and a half hours late. We were given more directions to head back out and secure a target. During this we passed a group who had found literally a ton of beer so we made sure to pound some of those to keep warm.
This was the first and absolute last time that GORUCK and Spartan worked together in any capacity. I’m glad that they did it once and I’m glad that I flew down for it because I’ve got stories for days. Did I mention there was a hard-boiled egg eating contest? With shells on. Winner? No one. Two people got to 20 and gave up together. That weekend was madness.
Todd says
Sounds like it was a blast. There is now a 12 hour hurricane heat, team builder that requires a 30 pound ruck.