PatchPALS are a way to add more Velcro to your ruck by utilizing the webbing that your ruck already has. They are Velcro rectangles (2″x1″) that are sewn to a Velcro attachment piece which wraps around any webbing on your ruck. As I type this I realize that this is a terrible explanation so hopefully the following pictures will show what I mean.
I don’t usually have a packaging section in the reviews but I was really impressed with how RuckWorks put this product together. When I ordered these I expected the typical GORUCK SkyMall packaging (some Ziploc bags and a thank you note) but what they’ve put together is something that is actually very professional. I can honestly see these being sold in retail stores just the way they’re put together now.
Hopefully Colin from RuckWorks doesn’t mind but I’m borrowing the above picture right from their website (don’t worry I’m hosting it so I’m not stealing their bandwidth). It’s just the perfect explanation for how these things are attached and any similar image I would put together would just look worse… and have some nice dog hair in it (see below picture). They’re super easy to slip around any webbing and they hold in place nicely. My only suggestion is if you’re attaching them to the back to do so when there’s less in your ruck so that you can get your fingers around it easier.
The quality of these is top notch AND they’re made right here in the USA which is a great added bonus. I know I don’t have any worry of the patch area coming off of the connecting attachment piece. It’s on there real good and because the attachment point is behind the webbing, which can’t be beaten by the elements, I can’t see these coming off easily at all. I know some people (including a Selection finisher) were wearing these in the November Seattle GRC (which was a stormy nightmare) and from what I hear everything held together amazingly.
At $4.99 these are an awesome way to display some more patches on your ruck and support a GRT. Right now there are only a few 2″x1″ patches to be purchased (blue, grey, and red spearheads) but there are more coming in the future. I’ve actually put in an order for some 2″x1″ ADR patches which should look pretty slick when they’re done. I’m hoping to have them in the store within the next month so hopefully that will be happening. If you’re looking for a way to display more patches on your ruck I can’t think of a better or cheaper way than this without physically altering your ruck.
please bring back the patch pals!!
I also reviewed PatchPALS, you can find the review here:
Unfortunately, it appears that may be defunct. :(
However, maybe this is something that Gear N8tion could produce? ;)
I will totally rep ADR on a 2×1 patch!
Thank you! I’m very excited for them to arrive so I can rep as well!