Drip City coffee is turning into the location of choice for all events GORUCK related. The first Seattle Mobile PX was held there, the HCL001 Ruckoff (and mobile PX) was there as well, and just last Friday Drip City was home to TRVLSQD’s first pre-GORUCK Challenge & Light session. I, for one, am glad that there’s a place out there owned by someone from the Special Operations community who loves what GORUCK is doing. It also doesn’t hurt that they have good coffee, great local beer, and some amazing sandwiches.
In the past TRVLSQD has held info sessions designed for people who are just about to start their first Challenge or Light. These sessions have been a place where new people can ask questions and receive answers, but only after performing some PT as “payment” for the answer.
After some adjustments, Fergus, the head of TRVLSQD, has come up with a four session plan to give GORUCK first-timers the information they need to succeed. He condensed the first two sessions into one long one at Drip City Coffee last Friday and presented it at the event. The first two sessions cover gear (what’s good, bad, and how to pack it all up), nutrition, water immersion, foot care, and then an open Q&A session at the end.
The event was very informative (for newbies) but more importantly (for me) it was a great way to hangout with local GRT and grab a beer. Even though I didn’t really need any of the information presented here it was still a blast to hang out with friends and support the local community. There are now 8 chapters of TRVLSQD throughout the USA and (as far as I know) each chapter will be putting on similar events before upcoming GORUCK Challenges and Lights. If you’re in one of those 8 areas (Seattle (WA), Portland (OR), Boise (ID), Moscow (ID), New York (NY), DFW (TX), Detroit (MI), and SOCAL (CA)) then stay on the lookout for a good time.
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Daniel says
The sentence “After some tweaking Fergus, the head of TRVLSQD, has come up with a four session plan…” could use some work. Mostly because I misread it as “After some twerking…”
Suggestion: ” After some tweaks, Fergus — the head of TRVLSQD — has a solid four-session plan…”
Or you could change tweaking to twerking
Or you could leave it as tweaking and photoshop drug-related paraphernalia into the photo.
I submit this comment with a sense of satisfaction in knowing that I have rambled for 6 sentences of little import, but have still managed to use a set of em-dashes AND conjure mental images of a bald dude performing dance club striptease moves and/or doing drugs.
Brian says
That’s gold! I fixed it up but I probably should have just changed it to twerk anyways… Freaking the idea of Fergus twerking cracks me up.