The Maxpedition sternum strap needs to be attached securely or it won’t hold up at all. The best way (that I’ve found) to attach the strap is to attach it around the shoulder strap and secure it twice. You will need to do this method once for each side because both need to be attached properly.
First, run the strap behind the shoulder strap as shown below. Ensure that the strap adjuster (plastic piece that the webbing goes through) is to the left of the shoulder strap when looking directly at it.
Bring it back around and run the sternum strap through the webbing on the shoulder strap.
Once through slide the sternum strap through the strap adjuster (for the second time) so that it will stay much more securely.
Once the nylon strap is through one side of the strap adjuster simply slide it through the other side. This will ensure that each side of the adjuster has the strap running through twice.
Pull the nylon strap through the adjuster and make sure to pull it tight. Now it becomes almost a chore to loosen or tighten the strap adjuster which will make sure that it stays on strong during your event.
Now all you need to do is try on the ruck and make any minor adjustments. When the Maxpedition sternum strap is attached properly it becomes a great accessory for your pack.
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