GORUCK Selection is coming back for 2021. GORUCK stuck to their word when they said there would be no Selection event for 2020. Now that 2020 is wrapping up (finally) it’s time to look towards that 2021 event schedule!
GORUCK Selection is GORUCK’s most difficult individual event and also one of the best bangs for your buck. At 48 hours long and only $199 to get in you’re looking at roughly $4.15 per hour for the fun you’ll be having. Now that’s a tough deal to beat!
Selection Sweetener
In addition to the event being back the “Selection Sweetener” has made a return as well. Anyone who can complete GORUCK Selection will receive free GORUCK Challenge events and 40% off all gear for life. That’s quite the deal but probably not a good enough reason to sign up, and train, for the event. You’ll probably need a better “why” when you’re 30 hours in than just a good deal on gear but it’s a start.
Final Thoughts

With GORUCK’s documentary of Selection called The Standard releasing this year it only makes sense that they’d bring the event back in 2021. I’m not sure how popular that movie ended up being (I know it was big in our community, but outside of it) so it will be interesting to see if it impacts event registration.
If GORUCK Selection is something you’re interested in then I’d suggest getting it on the calendar and working back from it with your training plan. Everyone who has completed the event has trained specifically for it so you should probably figure out your plan and get ready to train a bunch. If you want to learn more about GORUCK Selection I’d recommend checking out some of the All Day Ruckoff podcast interviews with Selection finishers.
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