After two months of charity focused rucking challenges GORUCK is back with another free one! Every challenge so far has brought something unique to the table and this one is no different.

In the Guerrilla Ops Challenge you’ll be completing four awesome workouts with a partner. Each one is a lot of work but it should be nice having someone there to help motivate you through them.
If you don’t have a partner available to complete the workout with then GORUCK is giving you the option to get it done alone by doing a modified version. I’m glad the option is there to do it alone but hopefully everyone is able to find at least one partner to hammer out some of these workouts with.

Once you’ve completed the challenge (which must be done in the month of August) you can order your patch (for free) and optionally buy a shirt.

Each workout has a short history lesson that comes along with it which give some insight into the workout’s name. Overall this seems like a very well put together virtual challenge and I love the team aspect of it. Grab the workout document from GORUCK (here) then grab a friend and bang some of these out. When you’re done grab the patch and maybe a shirt!
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