Yesterday was a very, very exciting day. The Doge Ruck patches arrived and they looked better then expected. This was our first foray into PVC patches and I’m excited to say that it was a huge success. We have plenty of ideas for new PVC patches but we were holding off on them until we saw the quality of these in person. We were very impressed with them and we’ve already sent more artwork off to the patch company for future products. Basically expect more PVC patches in the future.
All of the pre-orders have been packaged up and will mail out today (5/16/2014). There are still some of these available in the All Day Ruckoff Store but there’s no guarantee they’ll be there forever. Just a reminder that nothing will be shipping from 5/20 – 5/26 so if you don’t place the order by 5/19 you won’t be seeing the patch until it mails out on the 27th.
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