David and I are good friends. Our friendship goes back all the way to GORUCK class 053 with Cadre Brian and I am proud to know this man. It’s always a pleasure to see him and he brings nothing but a positive attitude to everything he does. After he completed Seattle’s Selection he was kind enough to sit down and talk about the event, his training for it, and his thoughts about it. I wasn’t lucky enough to be there for it (was in Wisconsin for my Grandfather’s funeral) but TRVLSQD was nice enough to tape the whole thing and post it on YouTube in 5 parts.
These videos have been available on YouTube for about two and a half months but they only have a few hundred views which makes me think people don’t know that they are there to watch. A fair warning is that they are very long and the talk is very informal. It’s a great watch/listen and if you don’t have the time I highly suggest either bookmarking this page or the videos. If you are considering tackling Selection then this should be required viewing.
I’d like to give a big thanks to my brother RP for tuning me into these videos. I knew that David was giving the talk but I had no idea it was being recorded until he let me know. Thanks brother.
Part One
Part Two
David actually gives me a shout out in this video which is pretty awesome. I’m glad my advice ended up helping him out… I was really nervous giving it because I’ve never tried Selection before but it all worked out for the best.
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