We’ve gotten a lot of questions regarding backordering… how long will it take… when can we expect our items… Etc. All of the questions we’ve received have been valid and what we’ve come to realize is that we hate asking people to wait for goods that they’ve already paid for. After some discussion we’ve decided to pursue a less confusing and easier to manage method for letting people know when goods are back in stock.
Our newest feature in the ADR Store is the Watch List. After a ton of testing (and becoming aware of the few minor limitations) we’ve deemed this feature acceptable for production use. If an item is sold out you now have the option to type in your email address then click a button to have it added to the “Watch List” for the product. If you have a store account then you just have to click the button and it will use the email address tied to your account. As soon as that item is back in stock you’ll receive an email notification with a link to the product. As soon as you receive that email you’ll be removed from the list so that you don’t receive notifications every time we restock that particular item… which would probably get old and annoying fast. If the item sells out again you can easily add yourself back to the notification list.
The one limitation to the Watch List is that it doesn’t always play nicely with variations. This means that if you sign up to be on the HVS-V Green list there’s a chance you’ll actually be put on the general HVS-V list. Not a major issue but just something we wanted to make everyone aware of.
Thanks for being understanding while we worked to figure out the best way to manage pre-orders, backorders, and a watch list. I think we finally have a system implemented that will cause the least amount of confusion and be the easiest for everyone to use.
If you’re curious how the Watch List works feel free to enter your email on the HVS-V product page because we’ll be getting a handful more of those on Friday. You should get an initial email confirming your subscription to the product’s Watch List then a second email on Friday when the HVS-V is back in stock.
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