9/11/2001 is a day that Americans will remember forever. From 7pm – 9pm tonight the SEA/TAC TRVLSQD group will honor the lives lost by getting together for a remembrance ruck and workout session. As I’m not able to make it down there tonight (due to work obligations) I’ve decided to combine my current planned workout (a 10 mile run) and GORUCK’s special 9/11 WOD. This workout was inspired by our GRT’s and their commitment to honoring the memory of all those who were lost on 9/11. The 9/11 WOD consists of one push-up per life lost… which totals 2,977 push-ups.
My original plan to incorporate these was to run 10 miles and stop every half mile for 150 push-ups. This would prevent me from ever getting into a running groove which I think is important for this day. Due to having to work extra hours today I’ll most likely be putting in between 1,000 and 1,500 push-ups before I leave for the run then get in the rest during the run. This will allow me to get home while it’s still light out and get the full workout in.
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