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Pull-Up Challenge Event & Patch


This thing is blowing up faster than I expected it to. Because of this I’ve created a separate Facebook Group where people can post and view information on the event. I’ll still be updating the website with posts as patch selection and other information comes out. The price of the patch is still to be determined but it will either be offered at cost or cost + donation to the GBF. I will not be making money off of it.

In addition there is now a Google Doc to track your progress. There is one tab per level of the event so fill out your numbers in the proper location

Original Post

Many of you know that we’re a big fan a challenges here and pushing yourself as much as you can. We recently announced a Pull-Up Challenge with three different levels. The first level, and most common, is to complete 1,000 pull-ups in a 30 day period. The second level is to complete 2,500 pull-ups by February 22nd. The idea here was to complete 2,500 pull-ups by George Washington’s birthday. The third level is to complete 5,000 pull-ups by February 22nd… also the date of George Washington’s birthday.

Now George Washington’s birthday only comes around once a year so it’s a little tough to partake in that event whenever you want. The challenge was launched on December 17th and (if I did the math correctly) should give everyone 68 days to get the 2,500 or 5,000 pull-ups done. I think it’s fair to say that if you can get the 2,500 or 5,000 pull-ups completed in 68 days you can chalk that up as a win and a completed challenge.

Pullup Challenge Patch

We were lucky enough to get contacted by a graphic designer (his portfolio) who said he’d be willing to design a patch for the challenge. We went back and forth a little and he came up with the following designs.

Pull-Up Challenge Eagle Patch

Pull-Up Nation Above The Bar Patch

Pull-Up Nation Bar Patch

For those of you who don’t know, the roman numerals are the signs for 1,000, 2,500, and 5,000. The voting will be a little different because I want to know which design you prefer and which form of numbering.

Voting & Email List

We’ve finished this phase of voting and have moved on the Final Showdown! Cast your vote over there please!

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